The Data Show (@thedatashow) is one of my Instagram corners, where I get to share with the world my passion for animation. Through animation I feel like I can bring the spotlight over the world we live in, as well as two topics of interest of mine: climate change and fake news. The animations break these down into simple, bite-size visuals, that can better show the story.

My goal? To get people thinking, talking, and maybe even taking action, while enjoying the developing process.
Project Journey
Brainstorming: I scribbled down every topic that mattered to me, from saving the planet to fighting misinformation. Then came the fun part: bringing those ideas to life.
Storyboarding: It was like putting together a puzzle, figuring out how to tell a compelling story in just 10 seconds. Once I had the blueprint, I dove into the graphics. I wanted each animation to be eye-catching and easy to understand.
Animation: Using After Effects, I put my animation skills to work. Watching my ideas move across the screen was pretty cool, and it reminded me that even small actions can have a big impact.
Final Reflections:
"The Data Show" isn't just a project to me - it's my way of making a difference, no matter how small. I hope that with each animation I share, I can spark a conversation or maybe even inspire someone to look at the world a little differently.
COVID Conspiracy theory
Milk responsible
Companies that do good: Ecosia
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